Friday, October 14, 2016

Many of us believe the candidates for this years elections are not presidential material, but like the article “Hillary Clinton for president” from The Washington Post says, “Hillary has the potential to be a good president and not just because her opponent is dreadful” She is more knowledgable, prepared, and she is just our best option.  In this article the author is convinced that every voter should vote even if they don't think neither of the candidates are adequate. The article is persuading the voters to vote for Hillary. The author has bias towards Hillary, but provides negative facts of both candidates. The article mentions things Clinton has done wrong, but it also mentions things she has done right. For example it's mentioned that, “As first lady, she failed when she tried to radically remake the American health-care system. Instead of retreating, she reentered the fray to help enact a more modest but important reform expanding health-care access to poor children.” So, I agree with the opinion of this author, I consider that none of the candidates are perfect, but Hillary is more prepared, has more experience in political issues, and her reputation is far better than Donald Trump’s. Nothing changes the fact that his is one of the most ridiculous election of all times. Donald Trump should have dropped from the elections after the multiple racist offenses he made against Mexicans,Muslims and specially women. It would just be shameful to have him as president of one of the most prestigious Nations. Hillary has done suspicious thing and have been accused of many others. However, there is no poof of many things that are being said about her, so why not vote for her?  Donald Trump would be a far worst president, even compared to Mexico’s who has done nothing to make his county progress. At least he doesn't have a reputation of making any form of disrespectful comments towards people. Trump on the other hand  would not only be a bad image to our county for the way he speaks, but knowing how he acts, he could easily damage our county for good. 

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