In her article called, “Guns ad politics in the United States,” Marjan Chizari states that the NRA [National Rifle Association] and gun lobbies succeeded in the planning and influencing the politicians.” So, citizens of the United States can feed their obsession with gun possession. She presented evidence of 2015 statistics of mass shooting arguing that owning guns is a terrible things. The statistics of the amount of people injured and deceased by gun injuries was shocking. There were “13,286 [people] killed and 26,819 injured.” Too be honest the data is pretty alarming.
Marjan believes that the solution to the problem of the mass shooting in the United States is only allowing government workers, public servants to carry weapons. Hunters on the other hand should only be allowed to cary a gun with a state license and citizens should not carry nothing unless it's a special reason. She presented a graph proving that the United States has the most number of shootings compared to Canada, Uk and Australia, who have law control laws. This is a big problem, and the government has done nothing to fix it. The only solution considered correct right now is for everyone to carry a gun for their safety.
Normal people carrying a gun is wrong, so I agree with Marjan’s solution to mass shooting. Nobody having a gun is better than everyone having a gun. I believe it is absurd to think that everyone is claiming that they are buying a gun for their protection when they could be planning to shoot a school, church or even to harm their own family.
A law that enforces gun control is the best thing that could happen to the United States, It’s just common sense. An article by Even DeFilippis and Devin Hughes called, “ The myth of the good guy with a gun,” Backs up the idea and they say that, “ The NRA is wrong: Owning a gun is far more likely to harm you than protect you.” They found pretty interesting information from a meta analysis of 16 studies. They found that “gun ownership doubles the risk of suicide and triples the risk of homicide.” This is socking, so I also believe that only government officials and professionals should have guns. This would lower dramatically the number of shootings throughout the nation. The United States would be safe, and there would be one less cause of leading death.