Thursday, November 17, 2016

I totally agree with Vanessa; families should not be torn apart by deportation, after all, this would only harm our country economy. An article in the U.S News called “undocumented immigrants pay billions in taxes,” by Soergel Andrews, backed up your point after it affirmed that, “A study from The Institute of Taxation and Policies...found that illegal immigrants contribute with [the counties economy by] nearly 12 billion each year in in incomes, property, sales and taxes.” This means that even with Trumps new plan of deporting only 3 million immigrants, we would still see dramatic changes in our country’s economy. 
It would be better if instead of deporting immigrants they where given a permanent residence or citizenship to the United States. You mentioned a comment made by Raul Hinojosa, professor of UCLA stating that “undocumented  population typically gets about 20% less wage”(Vanessa). You pointed out the benefits the companies had, but not the reasons why the immigrants get less wage. I think it might because, most immigrants work in jobs where the salary is illegally bellow the minimal wage. They have jobs that, to be honest most americans consider a waste of time,money, and effort. Immigrants have long shifts, yet they have no insurance or benefits. This is better for the companies but not the for people. 
However, if the undocumented people were given a residency or a citizenship, they would be treated fairly, they would not fear being deported if they claimed their rights. They would be paid more, and they would have to pay their taxes if they never have. Tearing families apart and building a wall is not the solution for immigration problems, but giving more opportunities to people from other countries with visas and punishing only criminal is. After all, the great America is built upon immigrants.

Friday, November 11, 2016

I believe congress is the broken branch of government, and it needs to make many improvements. Congress represents the people of the United States, and in its representation it makes laws to protect their rights,insure there comfort and security. Congress has done a great job job passing laws to protect us. However, many times the house and the senate can not agree with decisions and when they do it's as if their only preference was towards certain people instead of every single individual that is part of this country.
An example of this was the Dream act proposal that was denied by congress a few years ago. This act would allow students to gain permanent residence in the united states. I think congress denied this without considering the fact that this act would help the United States grow as a nation and build a greater society. It could have been denied because of the illegal status of the students or lack of funds for it to be possible, but if this would  been approved we would have a greater america in the future.
 I believe if congress was strong and more united there would have been a solution for immigration long ago.

Friday, November 4, 2016

                      “Selfie addicts should be penalized in every state for sharing selfies in voting polls.”

Millennial’s and their sick need to document everything to social media is getting out of control. With voting just around the corner, cameras and selfies should be banned from voting polls in the entire county and not just in a few states. People who share pictures of voting material should be persecuted and punished. Specially in the  states that still use the old voting machines that are easily hacked. 
Taking selfies can have more  repercussions in our voting system, than the amount of likes the selfie will receives in social media. According to the article by CBS news called Hacker demonstrates how voting machines can be compromised  the Brennan Center for Justice, " found that more than 40 states are using voting machines there that are at least 10 years old." 
 So, what would be the worst thing happen if someone takes a selfie in the early voting and upload it to social media? Well,  In the article it mentions that a way to hack the machines is, “ to get an affordable device off line, that costs 15 dollars and in depth knowledge of the card”(CBS). A selfie or photograph showing the card used for voting can  easily give out information needed to manipulate the amount of votes in the machines. 
However, hacking is not the only problems selfies can drag.  Voters taking pictures could show off their votes  to prove they have voted for certain person, and receive money or other benefits for it.  In Mexico this problem is visible and is well known to happen. Political candidates buy their votes with money, food stamps or a promise of personal benefits in the future. The only thing needed is a proof  of your vote (photograph). This is ridiculous and people with low income find it almost impossible to deny the offer. Their moral does not matter as long as they can support their family. Banning cameras and photographs in the voting polls of every state would prevent this from happening, and it would give the voters liberty to vote for whoever they believe will build a better future for our country and not for a simple benefit.